Monday, December 11, 2023

Shining in Darkness

Photo: Bill Tippett

"The people living in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of the shadow of death a light has dawned.”
(Matthew 4:16 NIV)

      Have you noticed how much better you can see the lights in a night sky when it's really dark? Away from city lights, your own security lights, even the moon? I'll never forget how the night sky seemed close enough to touch when I was camping at the bottom of the Grand Canyon: I had no idea how many stars could be seen from Earth! And don't you love to turn out all the lights in your house and turn on the lights of your Christmas tree or light your Hanukkah candles? SO much more brilliant and warming! The photo above was taken by Bill some twenty years ago when geomagnetic storms were at a rare peak. Though we live in a rural area-- no streetlights or even other houses around us-- we do have a security light, which had to be turned off for the breathtaking sighting of this magnificent aurora borealis here in central North Carolina. (NOTE: We're entering another peak sunspot cycle, so keep an eye to the sky the upcoming months! You can receive alerts, in fact, from

      This morning I awoke early in darkness, both literal and spiritual. I know you know what I mean: the Enemy seems to pounce on and magnify every dark thought, and any little (or big) adverse circumstance seems overwhelming. I knew my best antidotes, though, were right at hand, as I've been using them on a regular basis as of late. I cried out to God in prayer, turned to His Word, and then praised Him in joyous song. And soon His Light shone through my gloom and my tears turned into smiles. No circumstance had changed, but by focusing my thoughts on the Creator of Light, I began to see that Light in the darkness. Isn't it interesting that scientifically speaking, it is impossible for darkness to overcome light, but one tiny light can be seen in utter darkness?

 "The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it."  
(John 1:5 NIV)

      I highlighted security intentionally above, because I've been thinking a lot lately about the many times I've found my security somewhere other than God: a friend, the internet, and most of all my own strength or mind. If there's a lesson I've learned glaringly through my time of trials, it's that I am NOT sufficient in my own strength-- either of body or of mind. But I have come to understand, instead, I must depend solely on my all-sufficient Savior to guide me, to calm my fears, and most of all to love me unconditionally. Though this truth is all over His Word, it was thanks to several other fellow sojourners that I was pointed in the right direction. Thank heavens they were shining His Light! 

      Yesterday we celebrated my granddaughter's eighth birthday, and I decided the time was right to pass on to her a star sapphire necklace and earrings my parents had given me as a teen. When she opened the box, she saw the pretty blue stones, but could not see the stars until I put them directly under a lamp. I later thought, what a lesson I need to share with Adalyn: we can't possibly shine the Light of His Love on others until we ourselves are directly in His light! 

    And so, dear reader, in this Season of Light, at a time when darkness seems to overwhelm our world, will you join me in shining your light, no matter how seemingly small, by telling someone about the Light of the World? He is waiting to pierce the gloom that surrounds us, and His Light will never be overcome! But we must stay in direct line with Him, through prayer, through praise, and through His Word, in order to shine for Him!

"When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life."”
(John 8:12 NIV)

 "He must increase and I must decrease."
John 3:30

NOTE: My top praise playlist:
               "I Speak Jesus" by Charity Gayle
               "Who You Say I Am" by Shane & Shane
               "Evidence" by Josh Baldwin
               "Psalm 34" by the Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir
               "Thou, O Lord" by the Brooklyn Tabernacle  




  1. Charlanne you made not just my day but my WHOLE year !! Thank you beloved friend May the Lord Jesus continue to use you even more - love ❤️ Jeanne

  2. Thank you Charlanne for your keen insights here. I loved the story of the lesson you shared with your granddaughter so powerful to know we don’t shine on our own we are a reflection of the true light.

    He is waiting to pierce the gloom that surrounds us, and His Light will never be overcome!

    Matchless words. Thank you 💖

  3. Charlanne, this is beautiful and so true. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and glorifying the Lord. The stones you gave to your granddaughter are such a tangible gift and reminder of the Lord and His light. May He continue to be your source of encouragement, energy and healing into 2024.

  4. Beautiful truth spoken! Thanks you! And yes Psalm 34 and Thou, O Lord are definitely two of the greatest songs I know! If our eyes are on Him all else fades away……..


Seeds of Grace

      In twenty-seven years at this house, I've never planted either sunflowers or zinnias. The two photos above were taken ...