Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Diving for Pearls

      Sometimes it feels as though I've been underwater longer than I can possibly hold my breath. Are there pearls down here I have yet to find that will make the dive worthwhile? Perhaps my perspective has been upside down. 

      I read recently that pearl divers must carry large rocks with them in order to overcome their bodies' natural buoyancy and reach the depths where the largest and most precious pearls are found. I think I've been clinging to my Rock in hopes of rising from these depths, but maybe I've been looking at things all wrong. Maybe it's clinging to Him that's keeping me deep enough to discover a priceless pearl waiting there for me. 

      Upon greater reflection, however, I must acknowledge the pearls I have already uncovered:
      1. Love, understanding, perseverance, and patience in a husband who admittedly struggles with the latter. (Don't we all?)
       2. Support in the form of prayers, cards, messages, and understanding in loved ones who admittedly can't truly comprehend why I often can't talk on the phone, respond immediately to an email, or even explain what's going on with me.
      3. Doctors who continue to spend hours outside of office hours helping me try to figure out what's really wrong with me and how to help me feel better.
      4. Empathy with the suffering of others. 
      5. How to say "I can't" and ask for help without feeling guilty.
      6. How to recognize and appreciate the daily "love gifts" from my Heavenly Father: a cuddle with a loving dog, an injured bird who flies again, a flower, a butterfly, a hummingbird, rain dripping off the tree outside my window, the ability to see, hear taste, smell, feel. "Morning by morning new mercies I see!" (Lamentations 3:22-23)

      Meanwhile, awaiting the day when I shall emerge from the depths with the most priceless pearl of all, 
       "The Lord is my Rock, my fortress, and
        my Deliverer, my God, my Rock where
         I seek refuge, my shield and the horn
         of my salvation, my stronghold." 
         Psalm 18: 2 (CSB)


 "He must increase, but I must decrease"  (John 3:30)


Seeds of Grace

      In twenty-seven years at this house, I've never planted either sunflowers or zinnias. The two photos above were taken ...